"if you want to go quickly, go alone. if you want to go far, go together." - african proverb

Monday, September 23, 2013

45 minutes

During our short Mid-Term break, I traveled with my community to Dodoma and Arusha. In both places, we were part of the larger East African Jesuit community. In Dodoma, we stayed with the JV’s and visited their schools and participated in their community night with the Jesuits there. In Arusha, we stayed with the Canossan sisters neighboring the Jesuit Novitiate. We shared our meals with the Novices and we also shared in their community time and Mass. We were all reminded of the beauty of being part of a larger community and network of support which spans different cities, regions and countries. During our time with the novices, we learned more about their lives and their formation process. One of the surprising and inspiring revelations is that they do not have personal phones and their internet usage is limited to 45 minutes per week.

Since, they, too, are away from their families, friends and primary support networks for two years, I found their commitment to simplicity and community personally inspiring. I am, therefore, making a commitment to limit my use of the internet to 45 minutes per week for the next month. In this time, I plan to write more letters and make more intentional attempts to be present in this place and this community. I will spend more time praying for those I love and working on my relationship with God. In yesterday’s Gospel from Luke, we heard:  
“No servant can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and mammon.” 

As part of my commitment to simple living, I am taking up this challenge to focus more deeply on relationships. “Simplicity is far more rich and complex than merely consuming less; it is, at its core, a path to freedom, a call to put God and relationships before blind desires and material needs. By living simply, we regain our freedom to choose God.” (JVC Covenant) I will write reflectively during this time and share my thoughts and observations with all of you when appropriate. 

Wishing you all peace and freedom to choose God, 

1 comment:

  1. This is a really admirable goal Katie, I'm so proud of you. Though please don't let a time restriction come between you and meaningful communication with those who love you here. Off to find my long ignored stamps ... xoxo
