"if you want to go quickly, go alone. if you want to go far, go together." - african proverb

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Here's a picture of us while were on our recent holiday in Arusha- it was so cool there we look autumnal!

“Walk With Us In Our Search”

“Walk With Us In Our Search”

Help us discover our own riches; don’t judge us poor because we lack what you have.

Help us discover our chains; don’t judge us slaves by the shackles you wear.

Be patient with us as a people; don’t judge us backward simply because we don’t follow your stride.

Be patient with our pace; don’t judge us lazy simply because we can’t follow your tempo.

Be patient with our symbols; don’t judge us ignorant because we can’t read your signs.

Be with us and proclaim the richness of our life which you can share with us.

Be with us and be open to what we can give.

Be with us as a companion who walks with us- neither behind nor in front- in our search for life and ultimately for God.”

-Henri J.M. Nouwen